24 July 2006

i must live on the cleanest block in the city...

because the fucking street cleaner careens by, about 200 mph, every god damned morning.

and don't get me started on the garbage trucks... three times a week, with the squeaky breaks and the surly (and burly... yum) workers. it moves fast moves fast moves fast SCREECHES ON BREAKS, they scream to / at each other, cat call those of the fairer sex, throwing crap in the truck, recyclables and non-alike... i swear... like something out of the simpsons.


so in completely unrelated news... sometimes big daddy here takes a pill to make the sheep counting that much easier. usually melatonin, it's natural and i usually have good luck with it. ambien is a joke. and sometimes something meant for cough/achy/stuffy head/so you can rest better, like last night. but lately, in my valley of the dolls bliss, i get these rather violent sort of seizure-esque things and my heart pounds. happens more or less at the point where i go from awake to sheep counting, it jars me up, then i lay awake until i am just about asleep then it happens again, repeatedly until, i gather, the initial flow of the drug into my blood stream is, more or less, metabolized. hmm. what do you suppose THAT is about?