24 October 2005

and just when i think it can't get any more bizarre...

...at the asylum, it does. recall cubefarm director was transferred, big bossman (aka non-bossman) resigned after being demoted to her job, and my cube-partner-in-crime was transferred to room 101. today i found out that i have a new cubefarm director and that ladyboss was transferred as well. let me dumb this down, it's getting hard for even me to follow: my coworker with whom i share a job: transferred. my manager: transferred. her director: transferred. her group director: resigned. inmates running the asylum? pretty much.

thank goodness i have an interview later this week: i think it would be groovy to completely turn over my department in only a month, hahahahahahaha. whoops.

and it's been confirmed: v.p. auntie mame will be underwriting the nonbossmanbabyshowerfest2005:
me: 'open bar? really? is that true?'
useless admin: 'yep. [auntie mame] wants to make sure [you proles] put your money toward nice gifts for [mr. and mrs. nonbossman] and not a bar tab.' [grammar corrected by me.]
'they're not mutually exclusive events: one surely doesn't guarantee the other. and who is underwriting it, her or [the cube farm asylum]'
'[auntie mame.]'

clearly. stupid question.

is there a patron saint of job interviewees?