11 October 2005

my happy campaign: part three

more things that make me happy:

1. the elderly woman with the two elderly dogs on the next street. do they walk her, or does she walk them? they're in the same mindset, it would seem by their facial expressions, best friends forever, been down that stretch if street for years and years. they make me happy looking at them. her apartment is probably right out of the honeymooners.

2. red wine and popcorn. vicodin be damned (kidding, i love you, controlled substance, but the pre-existing relationship of wine and popcorn trumps your 2x every four hours.) but, vico i can take to work for a rainy day. maybe there is room for both? yet more happiness! (thursday may be fun, more valley of the dolls, tra la la te da...)

3. sleep and coffee. i've slept more in the last week than i have in the last month. and i will continue with this lovely streak when i get back from the hospital after they take off my bandages. (my grand unveiling, if you will. certainly not short of puns as of late, am i.) and coffee, you double edged sword, i love you for getting me moving (and other things, *wink wink*), but if i'm wired when i get back from the doctor, you and i will need to have a talk. and maybe a vicodin.