19 August 2005

if i were a muppet, i'd be grover.

ok, so maybe a 20-something guy shouldn't be starting a blog that way, but i'm going somewhere with this. try to remember grover. you could cheat and ask a niece or nephew, but modern-day grover has been replaced with a grating, third-party overused elmo. yes, elmo is all shades of squish and cute, but he's just, so, how you say, contrived. but grover, he was the real thing. and he's obsolete. and i love that about him.

grover travels. i LOVE to travel. grover likes to help people. me too. (maybe that's my frustration with the cube farmness: not plucking flyes out of anyones soup, if you catch my drift. but at least the public looks good (so they think ;) out in, well, public. but the greatest thing about grover is that he's just silly. and sings songs about being silly. 'i have two cute and furry blue feet. and you have two feet, too, but they are probably not furry like my feet.' exactly, man. but i am furry and blond this weekend. aah that grover. if i could have a beer with anyone in history, living or dead, real or not, it would be grover. he has the life i want.

and reminded me that i probably should get a haircut this weekend.