20 August 2005

my alien bump

so, i think i'm dying. ok, not necessarily dying, but something is going on. see, one day about two weeks ago, i noticed a bit of an ouchy. an ouchy that is kind of like when you're going to get a zit, but haven't even gotten red yet. nowhere near a head, you know the type. that, 'oh shit, this is going to be huge' but it only *barely* surfaces, and even then, the build up in your mind is so much bigger than the actual build-up of goo. that kind of ouchy. so, i've been waiting. and waiting. and no head. at first, it didn't hurt all that much, but now it really, really hurts. and if you recall the hypochondriac post of a few weeks back with the rusty nail... so of COURSE i have all of my coworkers feel my bump, my alien bump. but i didn't get the 'oh no! you're dying and we love and need you! you can't go' reception at work. (well, the cubefarm director would say, 'oh. you're dying. you can't go until you train your replacement.' but i digress.) instead, i got the, 'oh yeah, i have one of those, too! right here-- wanna feel?' no. i don't. medical ailments disturb me to nooo end. i actually passed out giving blood in college, believe it or not: there i am thinking i'm being a good guy and low and behold one minute i'm squeezing that thing that they give you that doesn't actually squeeze and the next i have a paper bag over my face and my legs are elevated over my head (and not in a hot way.) it was a proud moment: got some lovely oreos and not-diluted-well-from-frozen-concentrate orange juice. aah. and then we went out for drinks that night. anyone who gave blood knows that all it takes is a pint of blood and a pint of beer to send you into a broke college kid intoxicated bliss. those were the days.