20 August 2005

where was i going with that...

oh yes, the bump. so it's HUGE. on the outer of my belly button. it's like the size of a pea (like i said, huge!), and i call him roberto. and roberto, that bitch, doesn't seem to be going away. but it's ok. thanks to dr. k., i have a lovely referral to a doc who's not terribly far from where i live. and d. c. has has given me his doc who he adores, so if i convulse and die, it's all my own fault.

this will end with either a wimper or a bang, it's too hard to tell at this point. at the best, he'll do whatever it is robertos do, and at the worst i get to cash in on big brother's disability insurance (sooo glad i opted for the optional short term!) so take THAT big brother! you can ban me from most websites. you can sit me in beige polyester. you can make me scan myself in and around the cube farm. you can banish me from the men's room. you can even 'quarantine' emails you deem 'offensive.' but there is one thing you can NOT do: you can NOT stop me from growing a tumor that will require a disability leave to remove, so who gets the last laugh NOW, buddy? yeah, i thought so.