28 August 2005

things i learned on my summer vacation...

that i should have learned years ago...

1. clams don't like it when you play home wrecker. they'll show you.
2. crabs don't like to be touched. they'll show you.
3. four-day face growth itches a whole lot more on a sunburn.
4. people with my skin tone should think twice about spf4.
5. while 36 hours on the drink is fun, the following 12 aren't a day in the magic kingdom.
6. thanks to that prick josh, it's been confirmed that you can NOT substitute a veggie burger for a regular burger in the combo. not even for $.75 more. good luck studying economics in stoneontia.
7. three's company is funnier 1. as an adult 2. maybe a tad drunken.